Lyon Family CircusYou are viewing the heaven archive website. To see more current info go to, February 22nd, 2008 Raphael Lyon (Mudboy) and Noah Lyon (Retard Riot) are having a show at heaven! Opening Friday, Feb. 22nd 7-11pm DOCTOR NINJA (the Ol’ Dirty Mental Retard) & MUDBOY (the Doctor of Experimental Organomics) proudly present: NOAH LYON & RAPHAEL LYON in THE LYON FAMILY CIRCUS Inspired by great works of art like Todd Browning’s “Freaks”, John Waters’ “Cavalcade of Perversion”, the brotherly love of punk rock workaholics the Ramones, and the collective sound mastery of the Wu-Tang Clan family; notorious east coast ringmasters Noah & Raphael Lyon said “Gooba-gabba, gooba-gabba, hey ho, let’s go, Chicago!”. The main event opens at Heaven Gallery on February 22, 2008 break “… Already long ago, from when we sold our vote to no man, the People have abdicated our duties; for the People who once upon a time handed out military command, high civil office, legions - everything, now restrains itself and anxiously hopes for just two things: bread and circuses.” - Juvenal, from “Satire X” (late 1st – early 2nd century A.D.) “…Reunited on the radio, Wu-Tang superb, In the sprinklers girls double-dutchin on the curb, Sinatra, the pop, the Jackson 5 recordings, Uptown Saturday, "Cotton Came to Harlem" Ringmaster circus was Bailey and Barnum, Crack a Coca-Cola, summer heat was my boredom, Dr. J before Jordan, Al Green on the organ, When Rerun did the dance, the whole world saw him…” – U-God of the Wu-Tang Clan from “Soul Power (Black Jungle)” Noah Lyon hails from the Big Apple circus town of New York and Raphael Lyon is based in the freakish land of Providence, RI. The Lyon brothers are contributors to the Fort Thunder Paper Rodeo and are critically acclaimed multi media artists. This exhibition marks their first collaborative installation. Mudboy graduated with honors from the art-semiotics program at Brown University. He produces and directs Free Matter for the Blind He performs internationally on his 1975 circuit-bent church organ. Doctor Ninja graduated from the Cooper Union and has a degree in social responsibility from the Queens County Mental Health Court. He is a cultural critic and creator of RETARD RIOT His work is in galleries and museums worldwide including MoMA in New York, the Tate Britain in London. He is represented by Brändström & Stene in Stockholm Sweden. |